Adult-specific waiver programs are designed for adults with disabilities and/or medically fragile conditions who are eligible for an institutional level of care. Based on eligibility, a person, or his/her legal guardian, can choose to be cared for safely at home and in the community with supports and services delivered through a Medicaid waiver.
Adolescents who have been enrolled in one of the child and youth only waivers will need to re-apply and transition to one of the following adult waivers, explained below:
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), 18-64
- Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD), 18-64 with physical disability; or 65+
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver: The Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Traumatic Brain Injuries is designed for individuals, ages 18 to 64, with brain injuries, to help them live as independently as possible. Services include service coordination, independent living skills training and development, structured day programs, substance abuse programs, intensive behavioral programs, community integration counseling, home and community support services, environmental modifications, respite care, assistive technology, transportation, and community transition services. Please see this link for further details:New York State DOH.
Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver (NHTD): This waiver provides supports and services to assist adults with physical disability between the ages of 18 and 64, or those who are 65 and older upon application, to safely integrate into or remain in community living. The NHTD Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program is administered by the New York State Department of Health through contractual agreements with Regional Resource Development Centers (RRDC) and Quality Management Specialists (QMS). Waiver participants may either transition from a nursing facility or other institution to a community setting or participate in the program to prevent institutionalization (diversion).
The Regional Resource Development Specialist (RRDS) and Service Coordinator must collaborate to have an understanding of the applicant’s history, if any, of participation in Medicaid State Plan community- based services or adult protective services. This collaboration furthers the RRDS and Service Coordinator’s understanding of the strengths and needs of the applicant, as well as the availability of informal and formal supports. This understanding will enhance the development of the waiver Service Plan and support the applicant’s health and welfare if she/he is approved for the waiver.
The NHTD waiver offers a variety of services including service coordination, assistive technology, community integration counseling, peer monitoring, positive behavioral interventions and supports, community transitional services, structured day program, wellness counseling, home and community support services, respiratory therapy, day program, respite care, home modifications, and nutrition counseling. For a detailed description of the services offered, please go to: NHTD Waiver Services DOH)