Create a Personal List of Capabilities and Needs
A useful approach to starting your transition plan would be to make two columns on a sheet of paper with Where We Are Now on one side and Where We Want to Be on the other.
The following elements on your list may be helpful, keeping in mind that there are major differences in residential situations of being in a hospital and living at home, or in a group home.
- Describe your son or daughter and list all the relevant individuals in her/his life as well as your vision for his/her future care.
- Medical Care—do she/he have a Medical Home physician, a service coordinator, or are you the care coordinators?
- Guardianship—are there plans for a Guardian, and if needed, have they been made?
- Advance Directives—have end of life care decisions been discussed and made?
- Education—how are his/her educational needs being met?
- Residential – does my family member require hospitalization, want to own a home, rent, share with others, or live in a group home?
- Social—what opportunities exist for interacting with peers?
- Transportation—what are his/her transportation needs?
- Finances—has an estate and/or financial plan been created?
- Leisure/Recreation—what type of recreation is appropriate and desired?
- Vacations—what type of travel do you, as a family, want?